From the Sentinel & Enterprise:
By Peter Jasinski LEOMINSTER -- Within 30 minutes of polls closing Tuesday, Republican Thomas "Frank" Ardinger conceded to 28-year-old Democrat Natalie Higgins to represent the 4th Worcester District. "To think eight months ago, no one knew who I was in this community and to win this race is juts amazing," Higgins said to a room full of supporters at 435 Bar and Grill shortly after 9 p.m. Tuesday. According to the City Clerk's unofficial totals, Higgins had received 54 percent, or 10,350, of the 18,740 votes casts compared to Ardinger's 8,390. "We ran the race that we wanted to run and I couldn't be more proud," Higgins said. Higgins' win Tuesday night came exactly two months after her primary win against fellow Democrat and Ward 5 City Councilor Richard Marchand by a slim 38 vote margin. Following that win, Higgins' campaign against Ardinger saw her championing many of the same arguments, namely her stance on taxes and advocacy for accessible education. Higgins remained a staunch supporter of the proposed "Fair Share" amendment, which would levy an additional 4-cents on every dollar of earned income over $1 million, that Ardinger opposed. Another clear division illustrated between the two candidates were their stances on ballot Question 2. Through her campaign, Higgins continually voiced her opposition to lifting the cap on the state's number of charter schools, citing her concerns that it would drain funding from existing public schools. Tuesday's election saw a much larger portions of the city's 25,691 voters making it to the polls. Compared to the primary election, where only 11 percent of voters decided between Higgins and Marchand, roughly 73 percent voted Tuesday. Ardinger said a big part of the loss was running against a Democrat during a presidential election. "There's a Democratic bias in this state and it seems hard in a presidential election year to beat a Democrat," he said. "It was a great race, I think it was a clean campaign. I congratulate Natalie and hope she does a good job representing the city of Leominster." Referring to her conversation with Ardinger Tuesday night, Higgins said her opponent was acted very graciously. Higgins credited her campaign's continued effort to reach out to voters even in the last few weeks of the race as having been instrumental in her win. "We worked really hard from the beginning going door to door and on the phones and I think that is what made the difference," she said. Her win marks the first time Higgins has ever been elected to office. Prior to beginning her campaign in early 2016 she worked primarily as an attorney and the executive director of the education advocacy group known as Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts. She had previously worked as an intern for state Sen. Jen Flanagan while in college; an experience she credits for initially making her interested in running for state representative.
By George Barnes LEOMINSTER – Democrat Natalie Higgins, a new face on the local political scene, was the winner Tuesday in the race for state representative in the 4th Worcester District. Ms. Higgins, 28, defeated her opponent, 72-year-old Republican Thomas “Frank” Ardinger, by nearly 2,000 votes, winning 10,350 to 8,390, in the race to replace state Rep. Dennis Rosa, D-Leominster. Mr. Rosa announced in February he would not seek re-election. With unofficial results received by the two camps indicating a strong win for Ms. Higgins, Mr. Ardinger conceded defeat and contacted his opponent to congratulate her. A lawyer and executive director of nonprofit Public Higher Education Network, Ms. Higgins had previous political experience as an intern with the office of state Sen. Jennifer Flanagan, D-Leominster. She won the Democratic nomination, defeating veteran Leominster City Council Richard Marchand, in September. Ms. Higgins was a supporter of the Fair Share amendment, which would levy a 4-cent tax on every dollar above $1 million. Where Ms. Higgins and Mr. Ardinger strongly disagreed was on the questions of uncapping limits on charter schools and legalization of marijuana for recreational use. On the charter school question, Ms. Higgins was strongly opposed, saying the cap had not yet been reached and it could hurt public schools financially. Mr. Ardinger favored the question, saying it would provide additional opportunity especially for students in poorer neighborhoods. Ms. Higgins supported legalizing marijuana for recreational use. Mr. Ardinger was opposed. Ms. Higgins also supported a law setting restrictions on how farm animals could be raised. Mr. Ardinger said he could see arguments on both sides, but indicated during the campaign he would vote against the question. Throughout Election Day, Ms. Higgins and her large group of supporters worked phone banks, calling voters and providing rides to those who needed them. She also received support on the campaign trail from state Sen. Jennifer Flanagan, with whom she once interned, and U.S. Rep. James McGovern. From Sentinel & Enterprise:
By Peter Jasinski LEOMINSTER -- Standing in a garage on Lexington Circle, U.S. Sen. Ed Markey described Democratic state representative candidate Natalie Higgins as the next star of the Massachusetts Legislature. "Having Natalie as a representation of her generation, with a fantastic educational background, a fantastic family, and fantastic abilities means she's going to be a fantastic addition up at the Statehouse," Markey said. The junior senator from Massachusetts made the trip to Leominster Friday to endorse Higgins in her race against Republican Thomas "Frank" Ardinger to represent the 4th Worcester District in the state House of Representatives. "We're just really excited to have you out here today and to have your support," a joyful Higgins told Markey. The two stood in the garage of Higgins' campaign headquarters flanked by supporters and other legislatures, including state Rep. Jennifer Benson of the 37th Middlesex District. "I'm really happy we have such a strong Democratic candidate here because this is really one of the areas where we're getting encroached upon," Benson said. "Central Mass. is turning really red and it's going to take a lot of effort to keep that at bay." Markey, who previously served as a state representative from 1973 to 1976, explained that he was supporting Higgins because of her dedication to helping make college education more affordable and accessible to students trying to maximize their potential. He also praised her work in helping victims of domestic violence and her focus on finding ways to end the opioid epidemic. "We're so proud of Natalie. She is a fantastic candidate focusing on the issues of our era," Markey said. The senator also touched upon the local economy and what Higgins will do to help it. "Leominster's unemployment rate keeps going down, which is great news, but we're not happy because we want everyone to be able to go to college and maximize all of their abilities," he said. This is the second time in less than two weeks that Higgins has gained the support of a member of the U.S. Senate. She was joined by Sen. Elizabeth Warren during an Oct. 22 event held in Leominster. During that visit, Warren highlighted the significance of having a female candidate seeking election in Leominster. She said, "It is a reminder that the world, for all that is wrong in it, also has a lot of good in it." ![]() For Immediate Release November 4, 2016 Contact: Natalie Higgins, 978-602-3772 American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts Endorses Natalie Higgins for State Representative of the 4th Worcester District LEOMINSTER: The American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts has endorsed Natalie Higgins (D) in her campaign for State Representative of the 4th Worcester District (Leominster). "Natalie Higgins will be an outstanding advocate for public education as a State Representative. She has the knowledge, energy and ability to listen and learn. The American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts is pleased to endorse her candidacy,” said Thomas J. Gosnell, President, AFT Massachusetts. Higgins is running for the Leominster House seat that incumbent Rep. Dennis Rosa has announced he will not seek this fall. She is an attorney and executive director of the Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts (PHENOM), a nonprofit that advocates for better funding, more affordability and accessibility for students, and better support for our faculty and staff in public higher education. Higgins has pledged to defend public education, increase access to mental health services and create economic development opportunities as State Representative. “I am a proud product of and advocate for public education and am humbled to have the support of AFT MA in my campaign for State Representative,” said Natalie Higgins. Higgins has also received endorsements from more than twenty additional organizations including the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, the Massachusetts Nurses Association, MassEquality, the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus PAC, the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 4, Massachusetts Voters for Animals, the Massachusetts National Organization of Women PAC, 1199SEIU, SEIU Local 888, SEIU Local 509, SEIU State Council, the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, the National Association of Social Workers - MA PACE, Clean Water Action, Mass Care, UFCW Local 1445, Sierra Club, Central Mass AFL-CIO, NARAL Pro Choice, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund, and Carpenters Local 107. The General election takes place on Tuesday, November 8th, with early voting at City Hall until November 4th. Please visit to learn more about Natalie Higgins and early voting. ### In today's Leominster Champion:
To the Editor: The distinction between the candidates for state representative for the 4th Worcester District is clear. Frank Ardinger promises to be “a voice not an echo on Beacon Hill,” but what is he offering beyond a dissenting vote against the majority party? We don’t need a “just say no” state representative. We need a clear voice on Beacon Hill from someone who understands that listening and building partnerships with colleagues and the House leadership — not just the governor’s office — is the key to getting things done for our community. This is why I voted for Natalie Higgins. If you’ve seen or heard her in the recent debates, you know that she is not afraid to speak her mind on issues that matter. What’s more, the debates have clearly demonstrated that Ms. Higgins has a much deeper understanding of issues such as public education and the opioid epidemic, and how to advocate for us, than does Mr. Ardinger. Ms. Higgins grew up in Leominster as the child of small business owners, was educated in Leominster’s public schools and the University of Massachusetts, and has worked for years in the nonprofit sector. This says to me that she knows how to get things done without just throwing money at a problem. I have no doubt that she will be a principled and effective state representative who will greatly help our community. This is why I encourage you to vote for Natalie Higgins. Tim Silva Leominster In today's Leominster Champion:
To the Editor: Election Day is just around the corner. While you may be a little turned off by this year’s presidential election, there are local elections that depend on every single vote. My older sister, Natalie Higgins, is running for state representative for the City of Leominster. Everyone who knows Natalie and our family knows that we’re small business owners through and through. My parents own and run an auto parts store, which helped put both of us through college — making Natalie and me the first and second people in our family to attend college. She understands firsthand the value of small businesses, both to working families and to the economy of our community. She is a great choice for Leominster; the amount of people Natalie and her team have spoken to about the issues in this city amazes me each day. I believe Natalie is the right choice for state representative, and not just because she is my sister. As is often the case with siblings, we don’t always agree on everything. But the wonderful thing about Nat is that she listens and wants to understand everyone’s views on the important issues that are impacting our state. On Tuesday, Nov. 8, I enthusiastically encourage you to vote Natalie Higgins for state representative. Robert C. Higgins Jr. Leominster In today's Leominster Champion:
To the Editor: Fellow Leominster voters, I strongly encourage you to vote for Natalie Higgins for three reasons: • Compassion: From her work with survivors of domestic violence, elders in crisis, and at-risk teens, Natalie Higgins truly understands some of the hardest moments in people’s lives. As a first-generation college graduate from a hard-working family, she knows well the modern-day challenges of blending work, school, and planning for the future. • Competence: Natalie Higgins is one of Leominster’s best and brightest. From her work with the current agencies, advocates, and people in power around the state, she knows the technology, the laws, and the political landscape that Leominster’s state representative should be able to navigate on day one. • Collaboration: Trained as a community organizer as well as a lawyer, Natalie Higgins knows how to collaborate to achieve shared goals. She has the ability to weave the strategic partnerships necessary to be an effective state representative for Leominster. Natalie Higgins represents the future of Leominster. I truly believe her compassion, competence, and collaborative nature is exactly what Leominster needs in its state representative. Learn more about her at, and be sure to vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Andrea Freeman Leominster In today's Leominster Champion:
To the Editor: When I kicked off my campaign for state representative I felt strongly that it’s time for the good people of Leominster to have choices this election year on who to elect into state government. I knew there would be many naysayers about my candidacy more for personal reasons, but certainly not on my stances on issues and what policies I’d be passionate to work on if elected. I suspended my campaign for state representative because I knew of a “new” progressive leader that is creating her campaign of success by being tough and working hard for the right people, the working people. Natalie Higgins shares so many values I campaigned on, such as every American has the right to high quality affordable public education from kindergarten right through college, every person has the right for quality affordable health care, marijuana should be legalized and regulated like alcohol, protecting the rights of women, civil rights for the LGBT community, combating the opiate crisis and being accessible to everyone with the most working family district office hours, which she will have available in the evenings. Working families, our seniors, children and college students face some of this country’s most unfortunate circumstances. It’s time for the government to stop working against everyone, but for everyone. Together we can all make life better. Stop voting for the “old time, lifelong career politicians.” If you do, nothing — and I mean nothing — will ever change. You may feel let down with your choices for president, but I’ve had many conversations with Natalie Higgins and I help her how I can since I had to swallow my own fate in this very race. Supporting her and voting for her reaffirms my commitment to see new progressive, non-established true public servants elected to truly represent our American values, here at home, in this state and across this country. So let me leave you with this question. Will you vote for real change when casting your ballot for state representative, since so many Americans feel displeased with the candidates for president? I say vote for new leadership. Vote for Natalie Higgins. I voted early at City Hall. You can do the same before Nov. 8. Josh Sanderski Leominster Editor’s note: The author is a former independent candidate for state representative and a former elected at-large School Committee member. Teamsters 170 Endorses Natalie Higgins for State Representative of the 4th Worcester District11/3/2016 ![]() For Immediate Release November 3, 2016 Contact: Natalie Higgins, 978-602-3772 Teamsters 170 Endorses Natalie Higgins for State Representative of the 4th Worcester District LEOMINSTER: Teamsters 107 has endorsed Natalie Higgins (D) in her campaign for State Representative of the 4th Worcester District (Leominster). "Being a Democratic Union, Teamsters Local 170 has endorsed Natalie Higgins for State Representative in the 4th Worcester District. Natalie is the right candidate for the middle class and working men and women. Her commitment and strong roots to the community speaks for itself. The 4th Worcester District will be well represented on Beacon Hill!" said Shannon George, Secretary-Treasurer/Principal Officer, Teamsters Union Local 170. Higgins is running for the Leominster House seat that incumbent Rep. Dennis Rosa has announced he will not seek this fall. She is an attorney and executive director of the Public Higher Education Network of Massachusetts (PHENOM), a nonprofit that advocates for better funding, more affordability and accessibility for students, and better support for our faculty and staff in public higher education. Higgins has pledged to defend public education, increase access to mental health services and create economic development opportunities as State Representative. Higgins has also received endorsements from more than twenty additional organizations including the Massachusetts AFL-CIO, the Massachusetts Nurses Association, MassEquality, the Massachusetts Women’s Political Caucus PAC, the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 4, Massachusetts Voters for Animals, the Massachusetts National Organization of Women PAC, 1199SEIU, SEIU Local 888, SEIU Local 509, SEIU State Council, the Massachusetts Organization of State Engineers and Scientists, the Environmental League of Massachusetts, the National Association of Social Workers - MA PACE, Clean Water Action, Mass Care, UFCW Local 1445, Sierra Club, Central Mass AFL-CIO, NARAL Pro Choice, Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund, American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts, and Carpenters Local 107. The General election takes place on Tuesday, November 8th, with early voting at City Hall until November 4th. Please visit to learn more about Natalie Higgins and early voting. ### In today's Sentinel & Enterprise:
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