Transportation & Infrastructure -- We need to invest in roads, bridges, and public transportation, so that they are safe and reliable. It should be easy and affordable to move around central Massachusetts and the rest of the state.
As State Representative, I will advocate for legislation to ensure our transportation and infrastructure is safe, reliable, accessible, and efficient. New development should promote housing and employment opportunities.
Like so many of you, I have had to dodge potholes and have seen increased wear and tear on my car because of the poor conditions of our roads. As State Representative I will advocate for adequate funding to maintain our roads and bridges.
We should invest in public transportation, to increase mobility between our communities, while reducing greenhouse gasses. I spent one year traveling back and forth to Boston via the commuter rail, before the fare hikes made it more cost effective to drive back and forth to Boston and park in the city. This is unacceptable. As State Representative, I will fight to ensure public transportation is affordable and reliable.